What are the lyrics to the song PotatOS Lament on Volume 2 of the Portal 2 Soundtrack?

What are the lyrics to the song "PotatOS Lament" on Volume 2 of the Portal 2 soundtrack? It doesn't sound like English (though some parts do sound like the word "potatoes").

Is it another language? Or just gibberish?

Potato Lacrimosa (Weeping Potato)

Potato Po Uota (Power Potato Vows)

Diva Me A Atra Anima Evicta (My soul won over by the black goddess)

Diu E Me A Atra A Mei A Adiu (Me from my long blackout, from any aid)

Tristi Anima Evicta (Sadness won over my soul)

Tristi Demu Notu (Sadness at last known)

Do Mo Nata Anima Evicta (I give only the soul born the right to win)

Dega Mi Atra Ala Te Teme Cha (You yourself live because of the black wing of my charity)

All signs point to the actual lyrics being a mixture of gibberish and bad Italian/Latin. In reponse to a question about the Turret Song on Reddit, Ellen McLain answered as follows:

The composer, Mike Morasky was the driving force behind the Turret Opera. He wrote all the music. He requested that I use my legit voice (operatic sound) on some of the takes. He chose the takes to use. He asked me to make up some words. So I did so in my bad Italian.

This most likely carried over to the PotatOS Lament song, as further strengthened by a thread on the Steam forums, pointing to an appearance of Ellen McLain at Anime Midwest 2011 of which a Youtube video is included in the post. During the panel the PotatOS Lament song is specifically mentioned, however Ellen names it "GLaDOS Lament", of which the following is said:

She then goes on to say she made up words to it using her "bad High School Latin" (lol) which means the song is both Latin AND gibberish.

So there we have it! Bad Latin/Italian and gibberish.