How can I add multiple items to the Quick Buy menu?

For example; I want to have Phase Boots + Bracers in the quick buy menu, but when I add bracers, the phase boots disappear.


As of the 2016 Spring Cleaning update, you can now append items to quick by using Shift + Ctrl + Mouseclick. An example of this can be seen here. Thanks to Ashvin Panicker for the update.

Previous answer:

Simply, you cannot. Just try to prioritise what you wish to buy in which order. It is unlikely that you will need to buy your bracer AND phase boots in a very short amount of time. In which case I think you're misunderstanding the purpose of Quick buy a little bit. Binding the quick-buy to a key means that you can buy items fast when, for example, you're about to die.

Alternative solution: Use the pencil icon on the shop to create your own customised recommended items list. You can therefore add the items you're more likely to buy, and avoid searching the shop for them.

Add Quickbuy (1 item): Shift + click on item

Append* to Quickbuy: Ctrl + Shift + click on item

  • Append= (add after the items already in quickbuy)

So for phase boots and bracer, You can Shift click phase boots then Ctrl + Shift + Click Bracer
