Origin of the name Brahmin in fallout

Solution 1:

The Brahmin of the Fallout universe are in fact descended from Indian Brahman cattle. This is covered in the Fallout Bible 9, one of a series of design docs from the Interplay days that were leaked when the studio was going under and Fallout seemed to be all but dead forever.

Chris Avellone:

Brahmin are mutated brahmin cattle with two heads. If you just said, "hell, I thought brahmin were something from India," well, you'd be right. A bunch of brahmin made their way to the states long ago for crossbreeding purposes. When the bombs fell, brahmin grew two heads. They are quite hardy. They are also a delicious toasty brown, as you'll notice in the picture to the left. They attack by head-butting or trying to gore someone with their horns, so brahmin-tippers beware. For some reason, only the left-most brahmin head has horns, which raises some curious gender identity issues.

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