Free program to sync folder with FTP? [closed]

My business partner has a lot of files that he needs to sync to our website's private folder so that I can download the changes. We really need a good tool that can keep these sync'd. I have tried a few solutions, but none seem to work very well.

Is there a program that you used to do this that you found works well (would prefer an easy solution to setup as he is not very tech savvy)?

I use SyncBack, the free version supports basic ftp

features at:

If I'm understanding you correctly, you are the only one who needs access to those files and they don't actually have to be on the webserver (you are just using it for convenience sake)? If that is the case, LiveMesh (MS Product) would be the way to go. Create 2 folders, one with your name and one with his and you will be able to edit approve, track changes, etc. It also allows you to access the files when your not at your pc via a virtual desktop.

The service gives you a few gb of space as well (free obviously).