I can't open google-related sites

Here are a few steps I would take. Never seen this exact behaviour before but I have seen similar!

If you can try it on a different network entirely (work or a friend or tethered to your phone etc).

Try it with a cable (if even for a little while to do a sanity check so to speak). If that isn't a realistic option try using a USB wireless card for a little bit.

Lastly (because there can be problems) you could try resetting the IP stack in Windows (weird that it affects BOTH operating systems but still worth a shot). Be careful as certain software (usually VPN software and some of Ciscos other tools) may require a reinstall. Here is a link to the MS guide on it.

The short and sweet is:

Command prompt as administrator

netsh int ip reset <*optional* path to logfile>


netsh int ip reset c:\ipreset.log

A reboot is required after this finishes.

You could take a look on wireshark, a network sniffer, and check what's going on. Also you could grab a portable linux distribution, burn it on a USB-Stick and check that is it working. you can also compare the ip pinged on a computer with working google, and the other one. And if you have a phone with wifi thethering and data plan, you could check out is it working with that

Living in Syria, we face a lot of similar issues, be it local block from our government to some websites, or USA based websites blocking our access due to sanctions.

This looks very similar to cases where there is a local block (or some misconfiguration from the ISP side), ISPs tend to pass port 80 requests via transparent proxies, and that is the source of all kind of problems. In addition, malicious software may implement such thing on your local machine, to do bad things like serving ads or redirecting things...

A solution for this is using https instead of http. with HTTPs, the request can not be intercepted via a transparent proxy, and thus does not inherit any problem that may be caused by such thing. Since your problem is mainly with Google services, you are lucky, since (almost) all of them has https enabled.

Try visiting https://www.google.com/, does it work? if yes, then use the https-everywhere addon for your browser, it will rewrite requests for most known services (Google, Yahoo, Bing, Wordpress...) to https instead of http.

If worked, this is a temporal work around, and needs further investigation into the real source of the problem (Be it a malicious software on your machine or a bad router/ISP configuration...).

Edit: When the issue happens next time, it maybe helpful to look into the output of some commands: pstree, ps aux, sudo iptables -L and netstat -a. It could do a little push towards finding the culprit causing all of this.