In Internet Explorer 10 Metro, how do you change the home page?

There appear to be two copies of Internet Explorer in Windows 8; the Metro version, and the normal version. The Internet Options settings do not appear to apply to the Metro version of IE; and the Metro IE does not appear to have a way to configure it.

Can anyone tell me how to get to the options for the Metro version of IE, specifically to change the home page?

Open the internet explorer on the desktop. Go to internet options, General (first) tab. There you can set a homepage. This will be used when ie is started from the metro UI.

There is no home button or hotkey for Metro IE10. I recommend you use IE10 through the desktop if you want homepage functionality. If you want to know where the settings menu is on Metro IE10, just use (Win + i).

the only way to sort of create a homepage for the metro page is to open IE. Then type the site you want to be your homepage in the address bar below, when the page is displayed click the pin button to the right. This will bring a box up - click pin to start. This will pin that page to your IE button. Next time you open IE it will refresh to the page that you pinned to it. This is the closet you will get to a homepage.