Evolution cannot send mail from Yahoo or Hotmail

I recently installed Ubuntu and set up Evolution E-Mail. Although I can receive incoming email perfectly, I can't send any messages. These just go to the Evolution Outbox and stay there.

I am using several E-Mail addresses: Hotmail, Gmail, Yahoo and Sky. Gmail and Sky now work, (i.e., E-Mail can be received AND sent) but hotmail (my primary E-Mail address) and Yahoo will only receive.

What could I have misconfigured when setting the system up?

This may be the configuration of the SMTP server. Some SMTP servers will require an authentication, which usually is your username/password used for POP. Also, the SMTP server to use is the one from your internet provider, not necessarily the one from your email provider (if you use Outlook or GMail, for example). Check with your ISP.

There also may be some configuration issue for the port and the SSL/TLS option.

at send email server for hotmail put smtp.live.com:587 an you wil be able to send email