How to troubleshoot Ubuntu One in Maverick beta?

Solution 1:

The Ubuntu One team welcome any testing support that you can provide. If you encounter a problem during an Ubuntu alpha or beta phase, please file bugs at our Launchpad site.

Before filing a bug, though, it would be helpful if you search/scan over the existing bugs in order to reduce duplicates.

The issues that you point out have already been reported so we're working on them ;) They should be revolved very soon.


Solution 2:

I had similar issues at one point, iirc these steps fixed it for me... but I can't test it atm.

  1. Quit the Ubuntu One client (open a terminal window & run "u1sdtool -q; killall ubuntuone-login" without the quotes)
    1. Open Applications->Accessories->Passwords and Encryption Keys
    2. Click on the plus symbol next to "Passwords: login" to expand the list
    3. Right-click on the Ubuntu One token and select "Delete"
    4. Go to
    5. Click on the checkbox next to your computer
    6. Click the "Remove selected computers" button
    7. Open System --> Preferences -->Ubuntu One
    8. a web page should open, prompting you to add your computer to your Ubuntu One account
    9. Add your computer