Term for the property of having a formal and transparent track record

In Norwegian, there is a single term ("notoritet") that basically means that some process is tracked in a formal manner. A typical use case is keeping a track record on a servitude on a piece of land. Every time that servitude changes hands it is recorded in a specific registry, so one can look up who the servitude belonged to at any point in time.

Looking it up in a Norwegian/English legal dictionary, the translation "notoriety" is what is suggested. However, looking up "notoriety" in an ordinary English dictionary (M-W - I don't have access to an English legal dictionary) yields:

the condition of being famous or well-known especially for something bad

which is not the meaning I am after at all.

After being asked about my specific use case in a comment, I added this:
My specific use case is that I am writing policy guidelines for a software development project, and want to include the sentence:

We require TERM for all changes done to the source code.

However, please do not get mislead that this specific use case. The target audience, unfortunately, do not know the meaning of software engineering terms such as "version control". I am looking for a general term for keeping a track record that will be understood by non-engineers.

Other variations of use may be:

We require this process to have TERM.
We require this process to be TERM.

What TERMs could be used here?

Solution 1:

The answers already given are good in everyday English, but in the specific technical context you're describing, I would describe this as an audit trail (discussion of the term on Wikipedia). "We require an audit trail for all changes" conveys exactly the meaning you want.

[Maybe slightly off-topic here, but do you actually need to find a phrase for this at all - why not just say that "all code must be held under version control"? It's a very standard requirement, and surely the people reading your proposal will understand what it means and why.]

Solution 2:

From your description I think the term traceability might fit in the context:

  • the ability to verify the history, location, or application of an item by means of documented recorded identification.

  • Other common definitions include the capability (and implementation) of keeping track of a given set or type of information to a given degree, or the ability to chronologically interrelate uniquely identifiable entities in a way that is verifiable.


also validation

  • the process to establish the soundness, accuracy, or legitimacy of something.

Solution 3:

We require TERM for all changes done to the source code.
We require this process to have TERM.
We require this process to be TERM.

the only word with which you would replace TERM is "audit trail" as Morton explains.

This is commonplace in software development in English.

PS- I suppose literally "an audit trail". In the third example above: don't use that form. You'd use the second form.