Attainable through aural practice

Solution 1:

Consider auditory


perceived through or resulting from the sense of hearing



This skill involves auditory learning

Solution 2:

You could consider using acoustic which means:

Relating to sound or the sense of hearing:

[Oxford Online Dictionary]

Your example:

This language skill is more easily attainable through acoustic training.

Actual usage:

Acoustic training could accelerate language skills early on in babies... This is one of their key jobs, as between 4 and 7 months of age they are setting up their pre-linguistic acoustic maps.

Solution 3:

This might fit...

a skill learnable by an osmotic process.

osmosis /ɒzˈməʊsɪs; ɒs-/ noun

1.the passage of a solvent through a semipermeable membrane from a less concentrated to a more concentrated solution until both solutions are of the same concentration

2.diffusion through any membrane or porous barrier, as in dialysis.

  1. gradual or unconscious assimilation or adoption, as of ideas

Solution 4:



  • of, pertaining to, or affecting the auditory nerves or the sense of hearing.

  • oriented to or relying heavily on the faculty of hearing.


  • Of or relating to the sense of hearing or the organs of hearing.
  • Perceived by or spoken into the ear: an auricular confession.