How can I add autocomplete in notepad++ for javascript in an .html file?

Notepad++ does auto-complete for html and also for JavaScript. but the auto-completion depends on file extension.html file supports completion for html only. Is there a way to enable auto-completion for javascript in the script tag of an html file? I mean, other than copying the auto-completion keyword list from "javascript.xml" to "html.xml" files...

As suggested on stackoverflow, asking on superuser, as I could not find a satisfactory answer there. If anyone has any idea, please let me know! (I hope I am not the only one having this kind of an requirement! :))

Autocomplete feature is disabled by default,
but a simple Preferences setup will get you using the new auto-complete feature in no time at all. Go to Settings -> Preferences, and switch to the Backup/Auto-competion tab. At the bottom of that screen you’ll see where you can enable auto-completion, and you can optionally turn on the “show function parameters” feature as well. It works for CSS, PHP, Javascript, and html also.