How to remove Trovi malware from Safari?

I am pretty much 100% certain that I have somehow gotten a virus installed into my Safari.

My homepage and default search engine changes to "Trovi" every time I restart Safari no matter how many times I reset it.

My first thought was to remove all extensions but there weren't any in the extensions folder! However, when I opened the Extensions.plist file, it shows over 368 extensions under Apple-hosted Updates List. Does anybody know where I can find these extensions and delete them? Here are some example extensions in that list:

  • RedMorph-Browser-Controller.safariextz
  • pogo_1.0.safariextz
  • IsItWorthMyTime.safariextz
  • siulykantraste_1.0.3_6.safariextz

I can't seem to locate these files on my Mac. Any help is appreciated.

ALSO: I would like input on this. While the virus was infecting my computer, I noticed that I thought the dot characters that hide the password I type in to unlock my computer looked bigger than normal. Then after the restore to Time Machine backup, I can confirm that the dots that hide my password to login to my computer are smaller again. Could it be that whatever kind of virus that I stupidly got on my computer was monitoring my login password???

Before killing false culprits at random with a great chance to damage your working environment, I suggest you to first attack your original problem.

Download a correct malware hunter: Malwarebytes.

Disclaimer: I don't work for them, they have a free version.

I tested it on many versions of OSX (Mavericks, Yosemite...) and found and fixed some well hidden crapwares left undetected by leader commercial anti-virus.

Warning: There are a lot of bad and good methods to get rid of Trovi found on the web. Avoid to download from unchecked sources, as you wouldn't drink from any found bottle.

I didn't test the following, but trust its author since many years. I advise you to apply the receipe from Linc Davis:

How to remove Trovi from Safari

Safari extensions will be in ~/Library/Safari/Extensions/ or possibly /Library/Safari/Extensions/ for global extensions.

Spotlight won't search in 'system' locations, so for this type of search I always use EasyFind (freeware) which will search anywhere, for visible or hidden files/folders, file contents etc. It doesn't index, so is slower than Spotlight, but much more thorough.

I'm uncertain as to whether a referenced, yet missing, extension could cause any issues. Normally, the .plist will tidy itself up to just show the currently installed ones; I've not seen any that I didn't specifically put there, but it might be worth making a copy of the .plist & simply erasing the unknown/unwanted listings.