Lot no longer has a pool; Sims still want to swim, get stuck in loop

My current household used to contain a swimming pool on a third floor balcony. Since I've recently installed Sims 3 Ambitions, the pool had to go to make room for a laundry room.


Every now and then one of the Sims on the lot gets stuck in a loop, however, adding the "Swim" action to their queue. The icon immediately disappears because there is obviously no route to the pool, leaving the Sim in question to mumble something random or do some stretches before repeating the attempt at finding the pool. Usually this will continue until I manually interrupt the Sim, or until one of their other needs takes precedence.


Is this a known issue? Is there an easy fix?
I'm running version 1.22.9.

What I've tried so far:

  • Restarting the game
  • Clearing the caches
  • Creating a new pool elsewhere on the lot
  • Building a new pool on the same spot at the deleted pool
  • Deleting all floor tiles where the pool used to be

Solution 1:

You can make a backup of your saves and then, reinstall everything.

And then, recover the backup to it's place and test.

If still with the problem:

  1. Your lot or neighborhood got a problem/bug and needs to reset (Erase).
  2. Check if there's an update for the game. It should help.
  3. Something really strange happened and i can't help you :P