Word for "not trying one's best" or "appearance of little effort"?
I will provide definitions for which I can't think of the word:
- as though not trying one's best
- having the appearance of little effort
The word is used to describe something that you look at and think, "They're not really trying."
I remember thinking this is a good vocab word, and darn it, I forgot it. This has been driving me crazy all day.
How about doing something half-heartedly?
without enthusiasm or effort
I half-heartedly joined a gym to get fit.
Or a half-hearted attempt.
Synonyms include:
- desultory
- perfunctory
- cursory
EDIT: The word the OP was looking for is:
(Of an action) carried out without real interest, feeling, or effort:
How about lackadaisical?
Lacking enthusiasm and determination; carelessly lazy
The effort from the players was lackadaisical at best.
If a metaphoric term would work, consider phoning it in
(informal) Work or perform in a perfunctory or unenthusiastic manner.
Oxford Dictionaries Online