From base class in C#, get derived type?

Let's say we've got these two classes:

public class Derived : Base
    public Derived(string s)
        : base(s)
    { }

public class Base
    protected Base(string s)


How can I find out from within the constructor of Base that Derived is the invoker? This is what I came up with:

public class Derived : Base
    public Derived(string s)
        : base(typeof(Derived), s)
    { }

public class Base
    protected Base(Type type, string s)


Is there another way that doesn't require passing typeof(Derived), for example, some way of using reflection from within Base's constructor?

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;

namespace ConsoleApplication1
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Base b = new Base();
            Derived1 d1 = new Derived1();
            Derived2 d2 = new Derived2();
            Base d3 = new Derived1();
            Base d4 = new Derived2();

    class Base
        public Base()
            Console.WriteLine("Base Constructor. Calling type: {0}", this.GetType().Name);

    class Derived1 : Base { }
    class Derived2 : Base { }

This program outputs the following:

Base Constructor: Calling type: Base
Base Constructor: Calling type: Derived1
Base Constructor: Calling type: Derived2
Base Constructor: Calling type: Derived1
Base Constructor: Calling type: Derived2

GetType() would give you what you're looking for.