How npm start runs a server on port 8000

Solution 1:

We have a react application and our development machines are both mac and pc. The start command doesn't work for PC so here is how we got around it:

"start": "PORT=3001 react-scripts start",
"start-pc": "set PORT=3001&& react-scripts start",

On my mac:

npm start

On my pc:

 npm run start-pc

Solution 2:

If you will look at package.json file.

you will see something like this

 "start": "http-server -a localhost -p 8000"

This tells start a http-server at address of localhost on port 8000

http-server is a node-module.

Update:- Including comment by @Usman, ideally it should be present in your package.json but if it's not present you can include it in scripts section.

Solution 3:

To change the port

npm start --port 8000

Solution 4:

To start the port correctly in your desired port use:

npm start -- --port 8000