Replace string within file contents

Solution 1:

with open("Stud.txt", "rt") as fin:
    with open("out.txt", "wt") as fout:
        for line in fin:
            fout.write(line.replace('A', 'Orange'))

Solution 2:

If you'd like to replace the strings in the same file, you probably have to read its contents into a local variable, close it, and re-open it for writing:

I am using the with statement in this example, which closes the file after the with block is terminated - either normally when the last command finishes executing, or by an exception.

def inplace_change(filename, old_string, new_string):
    # Safely read the input filename using 'with'
    with open(filename) as f:
        s =
        if old_string not in s:
            print('"{old_string}" not found in {filename}.'.format(**locals()))

    # Safely write the changed content, if found in the file
    with open(filename, 'w') as f:
        print('Changing "{old_string}" to "{new_string}" in {filename}'.format(**locals()))
        s = s.replace(old_string, new_string)

It is worth mentioning that if the filenames were different, we could have done this more elegantly with a single with statement.

Solution 3:


with open(FileName) as f:'A', 'Orange')

with open(FileName, "w") as f:

Solution 4:

Using pathlib (

from pathlib import Path
file = Path('Stud.txt')
file.write_text(file.read_text().replace('A', 'Orange'))

If input and output files were different you would use two different variables for read_text and write_text.

If you wanted a change more complex than a single replacement, you would assign the result of read_text to a variable, process it and save the new content to another variable, and then save the new content with write_text.

If your file was large you would prefer an approach that does not read the whole file in memory, but rather process it line by line as show by Gareth Davidson in another answer (, which of course requires to use two distinct files for input and output.

Solution 5:

Something like

file = open('Stud.txt')
contents =
replaced_contents = contents.replace('A', 'Orange')

<do stuff with the result>