Mouse Events get Ignored on the Underlying Layer


Add the following line to your sample code:


This will allow the mouse to interact with the visible elements you can see through the layers of your stacked elements.

If elements in the top layer overlap elements in the bottom layer clicking on the part of the top layer which overlaps the bottom layer will have the top layer consume the mouse event and the bottom layer will not receive it (which is probably what you want).

Alternate Interpretation

If you actually wanted to intercept and handle the mouse event in all layers then see the linked questions from Uluk's comments:

  • JavaFX 2 event dispatching to underlying nodes
  • JavaFx, event interception/consumption

Method Description

A description of the setPickOnBounds method:

Defines how the picking computation is done for this node when triggered by a MouseEvent or a contains function call. If pickOnBounds is true, then picking is computed by intersecting with the bounds of this node, else picking is computed by intersecting with the geometric shape of this node.

Panes have no visible background by default, so why they should consume mouse events?

For modena.css, the default stylesheet that ships with JavaFX 8, Panes actually do have a very faint shaded background by default, so they can consume mouse events. To prevent this you can either set the background color of the pane to null or set the Pane to mouseTransparent.

This behavior changed between JavaFX 2 and JavaFX 8. JavaFX 2 shipped with a default stylesheet named caspian.css, which does not set a background for Panes.

This cant work becouse the Event is catched by LayerB. You can set LayerB to MouseTransparent


But im not sure that button b is mousetranparent too after this.

Just give it a try, ohterwise do you thoughts about a different layout.