Kernel Panic on 2014 Mac mini, Mojave

Solution 1:

Kernel Panics can occur from many different things, so your goal is to weed things down to the culprit.

Here are some tips:

  1. Make sure you're running the latest version of FL Studio as they often resolve crashing/memory issues, etc on newer revisions of software. There were others who mentioned having Kernel panic issues with Mojave and the update was suggested:
  2. Run the Hardware Test on your system by restarting your computer with the D key held down (D for diagnostics).
  3. Listen for other clues such as overheating issues -- if the crash happens after you hear major fan noise, or after a hot day, or if you're doing intense work it may be related to overheating. The old systems will get dust and such in the fans and can overheat more easily. If you feel up to it you can open the bottom of the Mac mini and spray compressed air in the various areas - especially around the fan.
  4. See if crashing occurs elsewhere as well -- if it's always when using FL Studio, target your attention there.
  5. BACKUP! Make extra sure you've got good backups going on -- the first drive crash was the reminder, now you'll want to make extra sure going forward that you can recover from another potential crash.

Note: Other potential causes for Kernel panics - Faulty or dirty fan, CPU/GPU issues such as on some of the MacBook Pros the thermal paste started coming loose and causing overheating, RAM issues, data corruption on the drive, application you're running has bugs. The data corruption on the drive is the least likely culprit as you've recently replaced the drive and I'm guessing reinstalled the system software fresh onto the new drive.