R convert dataframe to JSON

I have a dataframe that I'd like to convert to json format:

my data frame called res1:


structure(list(id = c(1, 2, 3, 4, 5), value = structure(1:5, .Label = c("server1", 
"server2", "server3", "server4", "server5"), class = "factor")), .Names = c("id", 
"value"), row.names = c(NA, -5L), class = "data.frame")

when I do:


I get this:


I need this json output to be like this, any ideas?


The jsonlite package exists to address exactly this problem: "A practical and consistent mapping between JSON data and R objects."

Its toJSON function provides this desired result with the default options:

x <- toJSON(res1)

## [{"id":1,"value":"server1"},{"id":2,"value":"server2"},
## {"id":3,"value":"server3"},{"id":4,"value":"server4"},
## {"id":5,"value":"server5"}]

How about

x <- toJSON(unname(split(res1, 1:nrow(res1))))
# [{"id":1,"value":"server1"},{"id":2,"value":"server2"},
# {"id":3,"value":"server3"},{"id":4,"value":"server4"},
# {"id":5,"value":"server5"}]

By using split() we are essentially breaking up the large data.frame into a separate data.frame for each row. And by removing the names from the resulting list, the toJSON function wraps the results in an array rather than a named object.

Now you can easily just call jsonlite::write_json() directly on the dataframe.

You can also use library(jsonify)

jsonify::to_json( res1 )
# [{"id":1.0,"value":"server1"},{"id":2.0,"value":"server2"},{"id":3.0,"value":"server3"},{"id":4.0,"value":"server4"},{"id":5.0,"value":"server5"}]