The meaning of "I never take it for granted"

I was recently translating a subtitle and I couldn't totally get the meaning of this sentence:

Coffee is something I drink every day; But I never take it for granted.

I'm not sure if she's talking about not knowing the value of it, or if she has no expectation from her coffee, or something else.

Thank you


Well since it's hard to tell the true meaning of it without more context, here's the whole dialog:

Coffee is something I drink every day. But I never take it for granted. There’s always this moment when I’m holding the cup of coffee. I’m, like, grateful for it... and then there’s just this moment there that feels... sacred.

I'm not sure if she's talking about not knowing the value of it, or if she has no expectation from her coffee, or something else.

Without more context it is impossible to know for sure. Strictly, the sentence would be interpreted that she does not take for granted the supply of coffee every day, however that would be somewhat unusual - how hard is it to find a cup of coffee? Not very. That's why the context is important - maybe she is living in a war zone or in uncertain economic times where the available of a mere cup of coffee may be under threat.

More likely she is referring to the effect drinking coffee has - for many people it is an essential part of the morning ritual, they simply cannot function without it. So she might be saying she values her morning cup of coffee, and does not take for granted the special effect it has on her day.

Why is this even worth commenting on? Because when you take something for granted it becomes ordinary and ceases to be special or unique - so saying "I don't take X for granted" is really a euphemism for saying how much you value X and how special X is to you - even if the "supply" of X is never really in question or doubt.

To take sb/smt for granted means we don't value a thing or person and we expect them to continue as they are. If there is no drought but plenty of water, we don't know the value of water: we take it for granted. If an employee works long hours without being asked, normally we don't value him because we we expect he will continue to do this. We are taking him for granted.