How would you invent the word for 'fear of standing next to beds'?

It is known that there is a proper word for almost any phobia you can think of. What is the etymology of such? And how would one construct the word for the phobia of standing next to beds; because of what may be lurking underneath to grab your ankles.

I know, this is ridiculously specific, but this is just for a bit of fun, I know that many people at some point in their lives have shared this fear.

Solution 1:

A semi-latinate version is "Juxta-Stantem-Cubilibus-O-Phobia" ; Shorten it to "JuxtaCubilibusOPhobia".
Further shorten it to "JuxtaCubilibOPhobia" or "JuxtaCubilOPhobia".

English "standing next to beds" == latin "juxta se stantem cubilibus".

Solution 2:

For a bit of fun..

-phobia is the ending for most of the fear words

-krebbato- old Greek or -krebeto- modern will do for bed. Then if you like add...

hypo- means under, ana- means against para- means beside. Pick one. Anacrebetophobia

Or you could pick a crawly monster: Echidnophobia (three hits on Google)

Another Greek word for bed is Klino-, and there is a real word Clinophobia, for an illness; it depends how serious you want to be about fear of going to bed.