Convert NSSet to Swift Array

In CoreData I have defined an unordered to-many relationship. This relationship is defined in Swift like this:

@NSManaged var types : NSMutableSet

However, to use Swift at it's best, I want to use a normal Swift array like Type[]. However, CoreData forces me to use NS(Mutable)Set. How can I type-cast / convert the NSSet to Array<Type>[]?

Solution 1:

var set = NSSet() //NSSet
var arr = set.allObjects //Swift Array
var nsarr = set.allObjects as NSArray  //NSArray

Solution 2:

As of Xcode 7.2 with Swift 2.1.1

Actually, I found out by trial that:

@NSManaged var types : Set<Type>

Works perfectly fine.

The fact is that CoreData generates somethink like:

@NSManaged var types : NSSet

when creating a NSManagedObject subclass from the editor. So I was wondering if there was a not very verbose method to use the filter method without casting. But then Swift is supposed to bridge automatically between NSSet, NSArray and their counterparts. So I tried declaring it directly as a Set and it works.

Answering the question, converting it to an Array becomes trivial:


Solution 3:

This is how i did it:

` let array = object.NSSet?.allObjects as! [ArrayType] `

Then you can manipulate the array as normal:

for item in array { id = }