Check if color is dark or light in Android

Solution 1:

Android doesn't provide it, you can implement a method to determine this. Here a method to do that:

public boolean isColorDark(int color){
    double darkness = 1-(0.299* + 0.587* + 0.114*;
        return false; // It's a light color
        return true; // It's a dark color

Solution 2:

If you use support library v4 (or AndroidX), you can use ColorUtils.calculateLuminance(color), which returns luminance of color as float between 0.0 and 1.0.

So you can do something like:

boolean isDark(int color) {
    return ColorUtils.calculateLuminance(color) < 0.5;


  • Support library v4:
  • AndroidX:

Note since Android API 24 there is also method: Color.luminance(color).

Solution 3:

public float getLightness(int color) {
    int red   =;
    int green =;
    int blue  =;

    float hsl[] = new float[3];
    ColorUtils.RGBToHSL(red, green, blue, hsl);
    return hsl[2];

One could easily use the ColorUtils to check the lightness of a color.

if (getLightness(color) < 0.5f ){
    // This color is too dark!