How often should you refactor?

Just like you said: refactor early, refactor often.

Refactoring early means the necessary changes are still fresh on my mind. Refactoring often means the changes tend to be smaller.

Delaying refactoring only ends up making a big mess which further makes it harder to refactor. Cleaning up as soon as I notice the mess prevents it from building up and becoming a problem later.

I refactor code as soon as it's functional (all the tests pass). This way I clean it up while it's still fresh in my mind, and before anyone else sees how ugly the first version was.

After the initial check-in I typically refactor every time I touch a piece of code. Refactoring isn't something you should set aside separate time for. It should be something you just do as you go.

You write code with two hats on. The just-get-the-thing-working hat and the I-need-to-understand-this-tomorrow hat. Obviously the second hat is the refactoring one. So you refactor every time you have made something work but have (inevitably) introduced smells like duplicated code, long methods, fragile error handling, bad variable names etc...

Refactoring whilst trying to get something working (i.e. wearing both hats) isn't practical for non-trivial tasks. But postponing refactoring till the next day/week/iteration is very bad because the context of the problem will be gone from your head. So switch between hats as often as possible but never combine them.

I refactor every chance I get because it lets me hone my code into the best it can be. I do this even when actively developing to prevent creating unmaintainable code in the first place. It also oftentimes lets me straighten out a poor design decision before it becomes unfixable.

Three good reasons to refactor:

  • Your original design (perhaps in a very small area, but design nonetheless) was wrong. This includes where you discover a common operation and want to share code.
  • You are designing iteratively.
  • The code is so bad that it needs major refurbishment.

Three good reasons not to refactor:

  • "This looks a little bit messy".
  • "I don't entirely agree with the way the last guy did this".
  • "It might be more efficient". (The problem there is 'might').

"Messy" is controversial - there is a valid argument variously called "fixing broken windows", or "code hygiene", which suggests that if you let small things slide, then you will start to let large things slide too. That's fine, and is a good thing to bear in mind, but remember that it's an analogy. It doesn't excuse shunting stuff around interminably, in search of the cleanest possible solution.

How often you refactor should depend on how often the good reasons occur, and how confident you are that your test process protects you from introducing bugs.

Refactoring is never a goal in itself. But if something doesn't work, it has to be fixed, and that's as true in initial development as it is in maintenance. For non-trivial changes it's almost always better to refactor, and incorporate the new concepts cleanly, than to patch a single place with great lumps of junk in order to avoid any change elsewhere.

For what it's worth, I think nothing of changing an interface provided that I have a handle on what uses it, and that the scope of the resulting change is manageable.