What is the JavaScript equivalent to a C# HashSet?

I have a list of a few thousand integer keys. The only thing I need to do with this list is say whether or not a given value is in the list.

For C# I would use a HashSet to make that look-up fast. What's the JavaScript equivalent?

Minimal support level: IE 9+, jQuery (current)

Actually JavaScript provides a Set object, fairly simple to use:

var set = new Set();

set.has(1)    // true

Unfortunately, it is not compatible with IE9.

Under the hood, the JavaScript Object is implemented with a hash table. So, your Key:Value pair would be (your integer):true

A constant-time lookup function could be implemented as:

var hash = {

var checkValue = function(value){
  return hash[value] === true;

checkValue(7); // => true
checkValue(3); // => false

Use an object. To add a key to the set, do:

object[key] = true;

To test whether a key is in the set, do:

if (object.hasOwnProperty(key)) { ... }

To remove a key from the set, do:

delete object[key]

You can use just a regular JavaScript object and the 'in' keyword to see if that object has a certain key.

var myObj = {
  name: true,
  age: true

'name' in myObj //returns true;
'height' in myObj // returns false;

Or if you know you're going to have keys in your object that might be built in JavaScript object properties use...

var myObj = {
  name: true,
  age: true

myObj.hasOwnProperty('name') //returns true;
myObj.hasOwnProperty('height') // returns false;

I've read the solutions and I tried some. After trying to use the object[key] method I realized that it wasn't going to work. I wanted a HashSet that could store HTML elements. When adding these objects the key was translated to a string, so I came up with my own set based on jQuery. It supports add, remove, contains and clear.

var HashSet = function () {

    var set = [];

    this.add = function (obj) {
        if (!this.contains(obj)) {

    this.remove = function (obj) {
        set = jQuery.grep(set, function (value) {
            return value !== obj;

    this.clear = function () {
        set = [];

    this.contains = function (obj) {
        return $.inArray(obj, set) > -1;

    this.isEmpty = function () {
        return set.length === 0;

When adding something like $('#myElement') to the set, one should add the real HTML element $('#myElement')[0]. Oh... and if you want to keep a list of changed controls - use the name of the element (gave me a problem with :radio controls).

I think the object[key] might be faster for your integers.

If you are only going to store numbers or string, this set will be faster:

var HashSet = function () {

    var set = {};

    this.add = function (key) {
        set[key] = true;

    this.remove = function (key) {
        delete set[key];

    this.clear = function () {
        set = {};

    this.contains = function (key) {
        return set.hasOwnProperty(key);

    this.isEmpty = function () {
        return jQuery.isEmptyObject(set);