App crashing when trying to use RecyclerView on android 5.0

Solution 1:

This issue usually occurs when no LayoutManager was provided for the RecyclerView. You can do it like so:

final LinearLayoutManager layoutManager = new LinearLayoutManager(context);

Solution 2:

In my case it was not connected to 'final', but to the issue mentioned in @NemanjaKovačević comment to @aga answer. I was setting a layoutManager on data load and that was the cause of the same crash. After moving the layoutManager setup to onCreateView of my fragment the issue was fixed.

Something like this:

public View onCreateView(LayoutInflater inflater, ViewGroup container,
                             Bundle savedInstanceState)
mRecyclerView = (RecyclerView) rootView.findViewById(;

mLayoutManager = new StaggeredGridLayoutManager(2,StaggeredGridLayoutManager.VERTICAL);