React - How to export a pure stateless component

Solution 1:

ES6 doesn't allow export default const. You must declare the constant first then export it:

const Header = () => {
  return <pre>Header</pre>
export default Header;

This constraint exists to avoid writting export default a, b, c; that is forbidden: only one variable can be exported as default

Solution 2:

Just as a side note. You could technically export default without declaring a variable first.

export default () => (

Solution 3:

you can do it in two ways

const ComponentA = props => {
  return <div>{props.header}</div>;

export default ComponentA;


export const ComponentA = props => {
  return <div>{props.header}</div>;

if we use default we import like this

import ComponentA from '../shared/componentA'

if we don't use default we import like this

import { ComponentA } from '../shared/componentA'