Remove parentheses and text within from strings in R

In R, I have a list of companies such as:

companies  <-  data.frame(Name=c("Company A Inc (COMPA)","Company B (BEELINE)", "Company C Inc. (Coco)", "Company D Inc.", "Company E"))

I want to remove the text with parenthesis, ending up with the following list:

1        Company A Inc 
2            Company B
3       Company C Inc.
4       Company D Inc.
5            Company E

One approach I tried was to split the string and then use ldply:

companies$Name <- as.character(companies$Name)
c<-strsplit(companies$Name, "\\(")

But because not all company names have parentheses portions, it fails:

Error in list_to_dataframe(res, attr(.data, "split_labels"), .id, id_as_factor) : 
  Results do not have equal lengths

I'm not married to the strsplit solution. Whatever removes that text and the parentheses would be fine.

A gsub should work here


# [1] "Company A Inc"  "Company B"      "Company C Inc."
# [4] "Company D Inc." "Company E" 

Here we just replace occurrences of "(...)" with nothing (also removing any leading space). R makes it look worse than it is with all the escaping we have to do for the parenthesis since they are special characters in regular expressions.

You could use stringr::str_replace. It's nice because it accepts factor variables.

companies <- data.frame(Name=c("Company A Inc (COMPA)","Company B (BEELINE)", 
                               "Company C Inc. (Coco)", "Company D Inc.", 
                               "Company E"))

str_replace(companies$Name, " \\s*\\([^\\)]+\\)", "")
# [1] "Company A Inc"  "Company B"      "Company C Inc." 
# [4] "Company D Inc." "Company E"

And if you still want to use strsplit, you could do

companies$Name <- as.character(companies$Name)
unlist(strsplit(companies$Name, " \\(.*\\)"))
# [1] "Company A Inc"  "Company B"      "Company C Inc."
# [4] "Company D Inc." "Company E" 

You could also use:

companies$Name <-  genX(companies$Name, " (", ")")

1  Company A Inc
2       CompanyB
3 Company C Inc.
4 Company D Inc.
5       CompanyE