Get the second largest number in a list in linear time

I'm learning Python and the simple ways to handle lists is presented as an advantage. Sometimes it is, but look at this:

>>> numbers = [20,67,3,2.6,7,74,2.8,90.8,52.8,4,3,2,5,7]
>>> numbers.remove(max(numbers))
>>> max(numbers)

A very easy, quick way of obtaining the second largest number from a list. Except that the easy list processing helps write a program that runs through the list twice over, to find the largest and then the 2nd largest. It's also destructive - I need two copies of the data if I wanted to keep the original. We need:

>>> numbers = [20,67,3,2.6,7,74,2.8,90.8,52.8,4,3,2,5,7]
>>> if numbers[0]>numbers[1]):
...    m, m2 = numbers[0], numbers[1]
... else:
...    m, m2 = numbers[1], numbers[0]
>>> for x in numbers[2:]:
...    if x>m2:
...       if x>m:
...          m2, m = m, x
...       else:
...          m2 = x
>>> m2

Which runs through the list just once, but isn't terse and clear like the previous solution.

So: is there a way, in cases like this, to have both? The clarity of the first version, but the single run through of the second?

Solution 1:

You could use the heapq module:

>>> el = [20,67,3,2.6,7,74,2.8,90.8,52.8,4,3,2,5,7]
>>> import heapq
>>> heapq.nlargest(2, el)
[90.8, 74]

And go from there...

Solution 2:

Since @OscarLopez and I have different opinions on what the second largest means, I'll post the code according to my interpretation and in line with the first algorithm provided by the questioner.

def second_largest(numbers):
    count = 0
    m1 = m2 = float('-inf')
    for x in numbers:
        count += 1
        if x > m2:
            if x >= m1:
                m1, m2 = x, m1            
                m2 = x
    return m2 if count >= 2 else None

(Note: Negative infinity is used here instead of None since None has different sorting behavior in Python 2 and 3 – see Python - Find second smallest number; a check for the number of elements in numbers makes sure that negative infinity won't be returned when the actual answer is undefined.)

If the maximum occurs multiple times, it may be the second largest as well. Another thing about this approach is that it works correctly if there are less than two elements; then there is no second largest.

Running the same tests:

=> 74
=> 1
=> 2
=> 10
=> 1
=> None
=> None


I restructured the conditionals to drastically improve performance; almost by a 100% in my testing on random numbers. The reason for this is that in the original version, the elif was always evaluated in the likely event that the next number is not the largest in the list. In other words, for practically every number in the list, two comparisons were made, whereas one comparison mostly suffices – if the number is not larger than the second largest, it's not larger than the largest either.

Solution 3:

You could always use sorted

>>> sorted(numbers)[-2]

Solution 4:

Try the solution below, it's O(n) and it will store and return the second greatest number in the second variable. UPDATE: I've adjusted the code to work with Python 3, because now arithmetic comparisons against None are invalid.

Notice that if all elements in numbers are equal, or if numbers is empty or if it contains a single element, the variable second will end up with a value of None - this is correct, as in those cases there isn't a "second greatest" element.

Beware: this finds the "second maximum" value, if there's more than one value that is "first maximum", they will all be treated as the same maximum - in my definition, in a list such as this: [10, 7, 10] the correct answer is 7.

def second_largest(numbers):
    minimum = float('-inf')
    first, second = minimum, minimum
    for n in numbers:
        if n > first:
            first, second = n, first
        elif first > n > second:
            second = n
    return second if second != minimum else None

Here are some tests:

second_largest([20, 67, 3, 2.6, 7, 74, 2.8, 90.8, 52.8, 4, 3, 2, 5, 7])
=> 74
second_largest([1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2])
=> 1
second_largest([2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 1])
=> 1
second_largest([10, 7, 10])
=> 7
second_largest( [1, 3, 10, 16])
=> 10
second_largest([1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1])
=> None
=> None
=> None

Solution 5:

Why to complicate the scenario? Its very simple and straight forward

  1. Convert list to set - removes duplicates
  2. Convert set to list again - which gives list in ascending order

Here is a code

mlist = [2, 3, 6, 6, 5]
mlist = list(set(mlist))
print mlist[-2]