Remove C and C++ comments using Python?

I'm looking for Python code that removes C and C++ comments from a string. (Assume the string contains an entire C source file.)

I realize that I could .match() substrings with a Regex, but that doesn't solve nesting /*, or having a // inside a /* */.

Ideally, I would prefer a non-naive implementation that properly handles awkward cases.

This handles C++-style comments, C-style comments, strings and simple nesting thereof.

def comment_remover(text):
    def replacer(match):
        s =
        if s.startswith('/'):
            return " " # note: a space and not an empty string
            return s
    pattern = re.compile(
        re.DOTALL | re.MULTILINE
    return re.sub(pattern, replacer, text)

Strings needs to be included, because comment-markers inside them does not start a comment.

Edit: re.sub didn't take any flags, so had to compile the pattern first.

Edit2: Added character literals, since they could contain quotes that would otherwise be recognized as string delimiters.

Edit3: Fixed the case where a legal expression int/**/x=5; would become intx=5; which would not compile, by replacing the comment with a space rather then an empty string.

C (and C++) comments cannot be nested. Regular expressions work well:


This requires the “Single line” flag (Re.S) because a C comment can span multiple lines.

def stripcomments(text):
    return re.sub('//.*?\n|/\*.*?\*/', '', text, flags=re.S)

This code should work.

/EDIT: Notice that my above code actually makes an assumption about line endings! This code won't work on a Mac text file. However, this can be amended relatively easily:


This regular expression should work on all text files, regardless of their line endings (covers Windows, Unix and Mac line endings).

/EDIT: MizardX and Brian (in the comments) made a valid remark about the handling of strings. I completely forgot about that because the above regex is plucked from a parsing module that has additional handling for strings. MizardX's solution should work very well but it only handles double-quoted strings.

Don't forget that in C, backslash-newline is eliminated before comments are processed, and trigraphs are processed before that (because ??/ is the trigraph for backslash). I have a C program called SCC (strip C/C++ comments), and here is part of the test code...

" */ /* SCC has been trained to know about strings /* */ */"!
"\"Double quotes embedded in strings, \\\" too\'!"
"And \
newlines in them"

"And escaped double quotes at the end of a string\""

aa '\\
n' OK
aa "\""
aa "\

This is followed by C++/C99 comment number 1.
// C++/C99 comment with \
continuation character \
on three source lines (this should not be seen with the -C fla
The C++/C99 comment number 1 has finished.

This is followed by C++/C99 comment number 2.
C++/C99 comment (this should not be seen with the -C flag)
The C++/C99 comment number 2 has finished.

This is followed by regular C comment number 1.
The regular C comment number 1 has finished.

\/ This is not a C++/C99 comment!

This is followed by C++/C99 comment number 3.
/ But this is a C++/C99 comment!
The C++/C99 comment number 3 has finished.

\* This is not a C or C++  comment!

This is followed by regular C comment number 2.
*/ This is a regular C comment *\
but this is just a routine continuation *\
and that was not the end either - but this is *\
The regular C comment number 2 has finished.

This is followed by regular C comment number 3.
* C comment */

This does not illustrate trigraphs. Note that you can have multiple backslashes at the end of a line, but the line splicing doesn't care about how many there are, but the subsequent processing might. Etc. Writing a single regex to handle all these cases will be non-trivial (but that is different from impossible).

This posting provides a coded-out version of the improvement to Markus Jarderot's code that was described by atikat, in a comment to Markus Jarderot's posting. (Thanks to both for providing the original code, which saved me a lot of work.)

To describe the improvement somewhat more fully: The improvement keeps the line numbering intact. (This is done by keeping the newline characters intact in the strings by which the C/C++ comments are replaced.)

This version of the C/C++ comment removal function is suitable when you want to generate error messages to your users (e.g. parsing errors) that contain line numbers (i.e. line numbers valid for the original text).

import re

def removeCCppComment( text ) :

    def blotOutNonNewlines( strIn ) :  # Return a string containing only the newline chars contained in strIn
        return "" + ("\n" * strIn.count('\n'))

    def replacer( match ) :
        s =
        if s.startswith('/'):  # Matched string is //...EOL or /*...*/  ==> Blot out all non-newline chars
            return blotOutNonNewlines(s)
        else:                  # Matched string is '...' or "..."  ==> Keep unchanged
            return s

    pattern = re.compile(
        re.DOTALL | re.MULTILINE

    return re.sub(pattern, replacer, text)