How do I fetch the last element of an array in Swift?

I can do this:

var a = [1,5,7,9,22]
a.count               // 5
a[a.count - 1]        // 22
a[a.endIndex - 1]     // 22

but surely there's a prettier way?

As of beta5 there is now a first and last property

In addition to Array acquiring first and last, the lazy collections also implement first (and last if they can index bidirectionally), as well as isEmpty.

Update: Swift 2.0 now includes first:T? and last:T? properties built-in.

When you need to you can make the built-in Swift API's prettier by providing your own extensions, e.g:

extension Array {
    var last: T {
        return self[self.endIndex - 1]

This lets you now access the last element on any array with:


You can fetch the last element of an Array by using the last property.


let lastElement = yourArray.last