Escaping double curly braces in Ansible

How to escape double curly braces in Ansible 1.9.2?

For instance, how can I escape double curly braces in the following shell command?

- name: Test 
  shell: "docker inspect --format '{{ .NetworkSettings.IPAddress }}' instance1"

Solution 1:

Whenever you have problems with conflicting characters in Ansible, a rule of thumb is to output them as a string in a Jinja expression.

So instead of {{ you would use {{ '{{' }}:

- debug: msg="docker inspect --format '{{ '{{' }} .NetworkSettings.IPAddress {{ '}}' }}' instance1"

Topic "Escaping" in the Jinja2 docs.

Solution 2:


- name: Test 
  shell: "docker inspect --format {% raw %}'{{ .NetworkSettings.IPAddress }}' {% endraw %} instance1"

Should work

Another way to do is using backslashes like \{\{ .NetworkSettings.IPAddress \}\}

Hope it helps