Get values from an object in JavaScript [duplicate]

I have this object:

var data = {"id": 1, "second": "abcd"};

These are values from a form. I am passing this to a function for verification.

If the above properties exist we can get their values with data["id"] and data["second"], but sometimes, based on other values, the properties can be different.

How can I get values from data independent of property names?

Solution 1:

To access the properties of an object without knowing the names of those properties you can use a for ... in loop:

for(key in data) {
    if(data.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
        var value = data[key];
        //do something with value;

Solution 2:

In ES2017 you can use Object.values():


At the time of writing support is limited (FireFox and Chrome).All major browsers except IE support this now.

In ES2015 you can use this:

Object.keys(data).map(k => data[k])