Custom Keyboard Shortcut to switch tabs in Photoshop on Mac

In Photoshop on Mac OS X I would like to program Command-Shift-[ and Command-Shift-] to switch between tabs (the different open files). I don't mind losing their functionality as Send-to-Front / Send-to-Back, but I can't figure out where I need to put them in on the "Keyboard Shortcuts and Menus" editor. Help!

Solution 1:

This answer is not Photoshop-specific, but might work anyway, if it's a reasonably well-behaved OS X application.

If there are menu items for these commands (like Select Next Tab in Safari's Window menu), you can assign them different keyboard shortcuts in System Preferences » Keyboard » Keyboard Shortcuts » Application Shortcuts

Select the application (e.g. Safari), enter the menu item title (e.g. Select Next Tab) and enter the desired keyboard shortcut (e.g. Cmd-Shift-[).


enter image description here

The same preference pane contains the OS X global shortcut for cycling through an application's windows:

enter image description here

Change this setting to change it for all applications.

Solution 2:

Press Command (Control on Windows) and the ~ (the tilde key) Here is a link to more info: