How to Create Windows 7 Theme dynamically according to the native computer screen resolution

If you ever pay attention to the default Windows 7 Theme build in, those themes will have a perfect image screen resolution no matter what size of the screen your device is on. It looks perfect on the Netbook, if you switch to a 27' inch monitor it too looks fantastic.

The default theme is located in


and if you ever bother to look into the file, those themes is calling a dll to somehow adjust those images according to your native screen size. (lets use Landscapes as an example)


The image of the Landscapes theme is located above, but you will realize the image are perfect match to your current screen resolution.

That's probably why of course all the default themes looks good across all type of devices.

Now my question is how can I create a Windows 7 Theme that does those dynamic screen resolutions adjustments depending on the current resolution of the computer into just one Windows 7 Theme pack. (I know how to create a Windows 7 Theme, please don't tell me how I can do that)

You don't need to. Windows resizes the files and saves a copy for you. But, just like anything, it needs

Windows has been resizing wallpapers since the Windows 3.0 days.

Give it good source file. Just in case, I went to the horse's mouth. Microsof't Net.

Nothing special here. Windows creates these wallpapers dynamically for you in the theme packs. In fact, download one of Microsoft's theme packs. It's just a compressed container, so rename it to *.zip and open it up. Just really good jpgs (500K).

It is quite impossible to do this with how the theme files work. As I said in the comment Microsoft chose images that work well in ANY resolution. Your best bet is to either have more than one theme or use a script to switch the images.

There is someone on the sevenforums who actually did this with a script. This might be your best bet.