Using the semicolon in my sentence

Solution 1:

The purpose of a semicolon is to separate two independent clauses without fully cutting them off like a period. This gives the effect that the ideas in the independent clauses are closely related to one another. I think that having a semicolon would make your essay seem more connected. Of course, there's always the choice of a period, but for me, it's the semicolon

Solution 2:

Among other usage, the semi-colon appears between closely related independent clauses.
The clauses "Group dynamics is the study of the processes and functions of two or more people who interact with one another" and "the term could also be used to explain the processes that are involved between the group members" give alternative definitions for an expression.
Therefore they are closely related. I recommend to insert a semi-colon.
Source: The new well-tempered sentence, Karen E. Gordon