pass post data with window.location.href

Solution 1:

Using window.location.href it's not possible to send a POST request.

What you have to do is to set up a form tag with data fields in it, set the action attribute of the form to the URL and the method attribute to POST, then call the submit method on the form tag.

Solution 2:

Add a form to your HTML, something like this:

<form style="display: none" action="/the/url" method="POST" id="form">
  <input type="hidden" id="var1" name="var1" value=""/>
  <input type="hidden" id="var2" name="var2" value=""/>

and use JQuery to fill these values (of course you can also use javascript to do something similar)


Then finally submit the form


on the server side you should be able to get the data you sent by checking var1 and var2, how to do this depends on what server-side language you are using.

Solution 3:

As it was said in other answers there is no way to make a POST request using window.location.href, to do it you can create a form and submit it immediately.

You can use this function:

function postForm(path, params, method) {
    method = method || 'post';

    var form = document.createElement('form');
    form.setAttribute('method', method);
    form.setAttribute('action', path);

    for (var key in params) {
        if (params.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
            var hiddenField = document.createElement('input');
            hiddenField.setAttribute('type', 'hidden');
            hiddenField.setAttribute('name', key);
            hiddenField.setAttribute('value', params[key]);



postForm('', {arg1: 'value1', arg2: 'value2'});