What is the difference between SIGSTOP and SIGTSTP?

Solution 1:

Both signals are designed to suspend a process which will be eventually resumed with SIGCONT. The main differences between them are:

  • SIGSTOP is a signal sent programmatically (eg: kill -STOP pid ) while SIGTSTP (for signal - terminal stop) may also be sent through the tty driver by a user typing on a keyboard, usually Control-Z.

  • SIGSTOP cannot be ignored. SIGTSTP might be.

Solution 2:


#define SIGSTOP     19  /* Stop, unblockable (POSIX).  */
#define SIGTSTP     20  /* Keyboard stop (POSIX).  */

Solution 3:

SIGSTOP can't be ignored by the targetted process.

A good example of that is the video player mpv, it can ignore SIGTSTP but not SIGSTOP.

You can test with a video running :

kill -SIGTSTP $(pidof mpv) and kill -SIGSTOP $(pidof mpv)

Of course kill -SIGCONT $(pidof mpv) to resume playing.