Is there a saying in English corresponding to "Another loach under the willow tree"?

In Japanese there's a saying "another loach" in the short form, "look for another loach under the same willow tree" in the long form.

This saying is for ridiculing a person who blindly repeats what s/he once successfully did, or who imitates what somebody else successfully did, in the hope that s/he can succeed again not knowing s/he would surely fail the second time.

It comes from a famous folklore about a man who once captured a loach (like a catfish) in a stream under a willow tree, who tried unsuccessfully to catch another loach exactly at the same spot.

I am wondering if there is a saying in English similar to this?

Solution 1:

Wow, that's a useful saying. English seems to have the opposite sayings -- that success or failure of a particular sort make repetitions less likely:

The cat, having sat upon a hot stove lid, will not sit upon a hot stove lid again. But he won't sit upon a cold stove lid, either. -- Mark Twain


Lightning never strikes twice in the same place

Solution 2:

Cargo-cult is probably the nearest.

eg. in software a cargo-cult programmer keeps writing the same code they wrote before - because it worked in that situation.