Is it acceptable to lowercase 'google' in all verb forms? [closed]

Solution 1:

Google - verb is usually capitalised, but the lower case is also used, (see Ngram).

  • The transitive verb to google (also spelled Google) means using the Google search engine to obtain information on something or somebody on the World Wide Web. However, in many dictionaries the verb refers to using any web search engine, such as Yahoo!.

Ngram: googling vs Googling

Internet vs internet:

  • Many American style guides recommend capitalizing the first letter of Internet, and most major American publications (as well as many Canadian ones) do so. Outside North America, internet is rarely capitalized.

  • The non-U.S. approach makes more sense. There is no good reason to capitalize internet. The convention in English is to capitalize the first letters of proper nouns, which are the official names of people, places, objects, or events.

  • The internet is none of these. It was originally capitalized to differentiate the Internet (the global network that anyone can access) from an internet (any network of interconnected computers), but in common usage this distinction is now irrelevant. Internet is now just a generic term for the communication medium.

(The Grammarist)

Solution 2:

Yes, having google or googling in lowercase is acceptable. See Merriam-Webster.

Also, for internet, see this Wikipedia article. It has become a generic term and can safely be lowercased.