What do you call a person who appears to be oblivious to their ignorance? [duplicate]

What is the appropriate name for a person who exhibits the behavior described below?

A person who speaks in a Confidently informed manner (about a technical process or procedure for example) however they are actually imparting incorrect information and are apparently oblivious of their actions.

There is a phrase blissful ignorance that has been in use for centuries. Examples can be found following this ngram.

Oxford Dictionaries Online defines it as

Fortunate unawareness of something unpleasant.

As the definition indicates, its application is much broader than erroneous pontification, and the unpleasantness will be felt by the listeners, not the speaker.

Bloviate means

Talk at length, especially in an inflated or empty way.

Oxford Dictionaries Online

Again, this is broader, and may include talk that is hollow, but not necessarily erroneous.

Or you might coin your own phrase, such as master of misinformation.