Is there a simpler or better way of saying "promises that hold no meaning"? [closed]

Is there a simpler or better way of saying "promises that hold no meaning" or "promises without meaning"?

Empty promises.

empty promise

(idiomatic) A promise that is either not going to be carried out, worthless or meaningless.

In my Google searches, in several books "vacuous promise" appears as a synonym for "empty promise". It has a more dramatic tone that may or may not be a good fit with your work. It can convey undertones of thoughtlessness on the part of the person making the promise.

From Google's definition:

adjective: vacuous

  1. having or showing a lack of thought or intelligence; mindless. "a vacuous smile" synonyms: blank, vacant, expressionless, deadpan, inscrutable, inexpressive, poker-faced, emotionless, impassive, absent, absent-minded, uninterested, empty, glassy, stony, wooden, motionless, lifeless, inanimate More antonyms: expressive, meaningful, thinking, intelligent
  2. (archaic) empty.

An empty promise or a false/fake promise can be used. But an empty promise is the best one.

More specialized or poetic phrases:

  • "promises in the dark"
  • "campaign promises"
  • [you made me] "promises, promises"
  • "lies"