PATH not working even after successfully modifying it

Solution 1:

First, make sure that you're restarting your session. Either by closing the terminal window, or logging completely out and back in.

Next, make sure you have actually modified the PATH with echo $PATH.

If you're not the aldin from the file's path (or even if you are), make sure you have permissions to see that directory and to execute that file.

Finally, make sure the command you are trying to run is actually marked with the execute permission. Something like chmod a+x /home/aldin/mybin/fasta-35.4.12/bin/ should work.

Also, you are trying to modify the PATH in a very dangerous way. Instead try:


NEVER (sometimes I wish there was a "super bold") modify the $PATH the way you are, always reference the current $PATH in there somewhere or you will overwrite, rather than, append to the existing entries in it.