headphones not working on Windows after installing Kubuntu 12.10

Sound was working fine on Windows, but yesterday after installing Kubuntu 12.10 the headphones in windows stopped working. The victim is an Asus N53SN laptop.

In Kubuntu sound works like a charm, but in windows only speakers are working, once I plug in the headphones, silence everywhere.

I've uninstalled windows drivers, I've restored the system, I've messed up with everything. I've restarted the system, with headphones plugged and unplugged.

I know this is not windows support forum, but wait: Headphones are working now, after leaving the laptop without AC and battery.

I've read that it is possible that linux is leaving the audio device in a way windows can't understand, and disconnecting the lap from AC would "solve" it temporarily. How can I solve it forever and ever?

Link found: https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?pid=1221097

Edit: As requested, a capture of alsamixer: alsamixer

I just resolved this issue.

You have to log into Windows, uninstall sound driver and then Shutdown the PC (not Restart! it has different behavior).

After that turn on your PC and the sound should work back again. If it wouldn't be automatically installed after logging to desktop, install sound driver manually.

I had exactly the same problem with the asker and tried the same things (reinstalling windows drivers, rebooting etc) but with no success.

Just shutdown the laptop from windows, leave it turned off for a few seconds (no need to remove AC supply or battery at least for me) and turn it on again and boot in windows. Your sound should be fine.

That way i managed to get my sound back in windows after having booted in ubuntu. (where the sound is working perfectly by the way)

The important part is that reboot doesn't work because it does not reset the power supply.

Specifically, i had sound in windows, booted in ubuntu, then in windows and the sound was off. I restarted and booted to windows again and no sound. I shutdown and turned on and booted in windows and the sound was there.

Hope this helps.