Share a Wifi connection through wifi on Mac OS X

I have a WiFi connection and I would like to share it through my WiFi card to computers. For some security reason, it seems that only one device can access the WiFi connection directly.

This is why I want to use the first mac computer as server.

Unfortunately, I don't have any Airport Express.

Solution 1:

Unfortunately, you can't. You can't take your connection from WiFi and share it to other devices via WiFi. You can think of it as plugging two ethernet cables into one port. It won't work.

You can, however, take your connection from ethernet and share it to devices using WiFi.

Solution 2:

Try this, it works for me. For example your wifi is en1.

sudo -s
ifconfig en1 x.x.x.1/24 alias
sysctl -w net.inet.ip.forwarding=1
natd -interface en1
ipfw -f flush
ipfw add divert natd all from any to any via en1
ipfw add pass all from any to any

Other devices will connect to the same SSID but you need to use static IP in x.x.x.0/24 range.

Solution 3:

You can't take WiFi connection and share it via your Airport, but if you for some reason cannot plug in an ethernet cable, and you have a second mac (brother's, sister's, friend's) then you can share Internet Connection from WiFi through bluetooth with one computer, and then share Internet Connection from bluetooth through your WiFi network. Again, this only works if you have two macs.