Where do I put plugins for Gimp 2.8 on Windows?

I am currently using a Windows XP 32-bit machine, and I am trying to make some gimp plugins. I just learned Python yesterday, and I saved a sample script here: C:\Program Files\GIMP-2.0\share\gimp\2.0\scripts. I don't know why but it is not showing up in Gimp at all. I've also noticed that since I've upgraded to Gimp 2.8, all of the built-in plugins are not in this folder anymore. Are they supposed to go somewhere else?

  • open Gimp
  • "Edit" > "Preferences" > (on left pane; at bottom) "Folders" > "Plug-Ins"
  • (on right pane you should see the directory)

(mine is: ..\App\gimp\lib\gimp\2.0\plug-ins)

I have two directories: one showing red circle, other showing green on top when i clicked on any directory) (green one works for me)

The .gimp-2.8 folder doesn't appear until GIMP has been run at least once...
Once it's there, it is located in %UserProfile%/.gimp-2.8.