How do I display a particular changelist number in p4v?

When viewing submitted changelists in p4v, is there a way to display a particular changelist number? That is, how I do the equivalent of p4 describe in p4v? Can I filter for a particular changelist number? I don't see how.

Search > Go To... In the dialog, you can go to a submitted changelist by number.

In my version of P4, this is under Edit > Go To...

And of course for the keyboard freaks ("mouse? I don't need no mouse") you can hit CTRL + G.

Hi All, It I used CTRL + G and then I was prmopted to provide the change list number.

Please note you have to select the options from Scroll down Menu.

In this case it is:

  1. Submitted Change List
  2. Pending change list
  3. Branch Mapping
  4. Label
  5. Workspace
  6. User
  7. Job