How to remove bounty completely using console commands? [duplicate]

I have created problems at many places in Skyrim thinking I would use bend will shout and now I want it to get cleared.

The problem is I don't have saved games and set.playergoldcrime 0 is not working it is just reducing the bounty on me.

How can I remove the bounty completely?

[player.]paycrimegold <X> <Y> <FactionID>

  • < X> : remove stolen items (0 to keep, 1 to remove)
  • < Y> : go to jail (0 not to go, 1 to go)

So what you want is paycrimegold 0 0

Select a guard, open console, and type paycrimegold 0 0 to avoid paying money and going to jail.

You can also pay the fine by talking to a guard and get your money back. If you want your money back, type into console player.additem f number_of_coins.