Word for development or improvement in art

In human race you call evolution to upgrade mankind, in technology innovation , how about the art work? how u call it? from painting to graphic design

Solution 1:

The words evolution and innovation can also describe artistic development and breakthroughs.Thus proper phrases in this case are artistic breakthrough or artistic development. The proper word may be just the word development; a developed or advanced state or form: " drama reached its highest development in the plays of Shakespeare."

Solution 2:

Evolution in a term used to refer to the developments of art though centuries:

The evolution of visual art:

  • Art is created and enjoyed by many people for many reasons. However, one of the things that art does is extend and expand our shared common visual language. When new visual ideas are first introduced by the artist, they are often seen as shocking, and perhaps even as incomprehensible. However, with time the best and most effective of these ideas are accepted.

  • There is nothing harder than trying to grasp what was shocking or illuminating about certain images, or ways of making images, once the shock is gone, and we have all absorbed this bit of visual data into our own vocabularies. Artists show us new ways to see familiar things, and how to interpret new situations and events through various kinds of visual shorthand. This creation of visual language may be the artist's intention, or it may be a side effect of other purposes.